collaborative (ghost) WRITING

I love being a living ghost! For me, writing-for-hire is akin to acting: I gather the content from you, observing your style with focused curiosity, and then put my best imitation on the page. I'll use your figures of speech, your tone, your rhythm, your vibe, and—of course—your ideas to bring your book to life. Once I produce drafts, you'll review them and provide feedback until together, we get it right.


Let's look at the big picture here. How is this piece of writing flowing? Who is the audience, and how effectively are we addressing them? How well is the style aligning with your mission, as well as your medium for publication? Is the organizational structure working? Does your writing make sense and is it easy to follow? Are your ideas explained effectively, and are your analogies and metaphors working? If you have characters, am I invested in their lives and their choices—or if you are your own main character, are readers cheering you along? With developmental and structural editing, I'm looking at all of this and more to help your writing achieve its aims as part of your greater life purpose.

story coaching

Fiction—and, in some cases, memoir—is an opportunity to rewrite our observations, fears and hopes, creating something new as our spirit calls us. That said, there are some basics. Stories need a beginning, a middle and an end. They need characters that compel us to listen, and themes that beckon us to stay. They need to happen somewhere specific, and for a specific reason. My goal is to find the story arc that offers maximum impact.


With line-editing, the focus is on the language; I'm much less interested in what you're saying, and I'm much more interested in how you're saying it. My three C's of line-editing are clear, concise, compelling, and I will delete, rewrite, rearrange, copy/paste, and replace your words until I get it right—all without changing the essence of your work or inhibiting your voice from shining through. I work with content; while I'll do my best to keep grammar and typos under wraps, I always recommend hiring production editing services elsewhere. Do you know what you want to say, but think it could sound better? Let me help. 


Full confession: I work with children's books professionally because I just still love them. Picture books are such delicate creatures. I love the rhythm, the pauses, the characters. When I'm reading them aloud, I love to do the voices. And more than that, I love the promise of children's books: the idea that through playful exploration, we can plant the seeds for the future we want in the heart of a child.


Sometimes, you just want to talk about it. I try to give my consultations an informal, kitchen-table feel, like we're just sitting there sharing a cup of tea discussing your options as an author and spiritual being. Need to chat? Let's get in touch. I'm happy to hear where you're coming from and tell you what I know.